I snore badly. Bad enough to chase my wife away on many nights. I do not have sleep apnea. I am scheduled for a modified UPPP, tonsillectomy, and turbinate reduction. All my medical friends and the surgeon himself say, "this is going to be really bad for about 7-10 days''. Is there anything I can do in the immediate post op period other than simply popping pain pills to make my recovery more pleasant, perhaps even a bit quicker than your average bear?
Gender: Male
How tall are you (feet and inches)?: 6' 2''
What is your weight in pounds?: 235
How old are you?: 44
How long has this been going on?: More than a year
Check all symptoms you are currently experiencing:
Ear/ Nose / Throat
Describe associated symptoms not listed above: poor sleep
What have you done so far to remedy this condition? Please include tests and relevant studies here.
: lost weight. helped a little but not too much.
Please list any chronic medical problems and also list any prior surgery (lacerations don't count!): Prior lumbar fusion
Check all conditions present in your immediate family... :
Cardiac Disease
Please list any medication allergies that you have : : naprosyn
Please list any medications you are currently taking (and dosage if known) :: vitamins
fish oil
Are you currently using or do you have a history of tobacco use?: No
Are you currently using or do you have a history of illegal drug use?: No
Please describe your alcohol consumption :: Weekly
anything to do prior to surgery to minimize post op pain?
anything to do immediately after?
at what day post op do people typically 'turn the corner'
Dear Soon-To-Be-In-Pain,
There are some things that can be done to reduce you postoperative pain, and speed up your recovery. You will have to see if your Surgeon and Anesthesiologist are willing to go along.
First, the use of preoperative and peri-operative Gabapentin has been demonstrated to be of benefit. There is literature to support this, and I’m convinced it helps based on personal experience with my patients in the past.
Second, the use of intraoperative I.V. steroids (I prefer Decadron 10 - 12 mg for your weight) is very helpful. A short postoperative taper of prednisone will help as well, but I haven’t used it routinely. However, if I were undergoing these procedures, I would definitely do both.
I would use Oxycontin Q12h with Percocet for breakthrough pain. I would only use this much narcotic in a patient who has been Sleep Study proven to not have Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome.
NSAID’s can be very helpful, but I strongly advise against them due to bleeding risk (especially from tonsil beds and nose). I usually say no Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and the like, for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after surgery. Tylenol is fine. I have bent these rules on occasion in certain circumstances.
Other basics:
- Head elevated during sleep
- Humidifier in bed room
- Stay hydrated - cold beverages only
- Analgesic throat sprays minimally helpful
Good Luck!

Regardiing the modified UPPP--I will defer to our ENT Doc. I do understand that if this is done by laser surgery it can be quite uncomfortable for a week or so'
The post-op pain meidation could be given in liquid form -- pills would be harder to swallow.
The patients I have had that have undergone this procedure seemed to feel that a week of the post-op pain relief was the only thing that really seemed to help.
Again, our ENT Doc can advise you about any pre-op or post-op suggestions.
Good Luck. Space Doc
Thank you doctors. I am one day post op now and feel like someone put a curling iron in the back of by throat. Other than that, life is great. I'm actually eating pretty well and drinking LOTS of water and juice. Hoping for a steady recovery. Thanks again for your help.
Sounds great!--hope the curling iron starts to cool off soon.
Thanks for the feed back and continued good luck!!
Space Doc .
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