I've had back pain all my life. Recently (past 6 months) my lower back had been hurting more and more. Sometimes it's a dull ache, but a lot of the time it's a sharp shooting pain right above my rear, and the pain shoots down my left butt cheek area. When this happens, it hurts very much to lift my left leg. My mom said it sounds like sciatic nerve pain. Do you think that's what it could be, and what do you think it causing it? Also, I wanted to ask if Degenerative Disk Disease is hereditary? I am my mother's mirror image it seems. Everything physically that is wrong with her, is now wrong with me. Fibromyalgia (I know what a lot of Drs think about this, but it's true), Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Impingement on left shoulder (I had corrective surgery last year, hers was years ago). These are all things that she has/had that I now have been diagnosed with and now the lower back pain (hers is caused by the Degenerative Disk Disease. What are the
most common causes of the Sciatic nerve pain, and will an X-ray show anything or should I seek an MRI? Thank you for your help.
Gender: Female
How tall are you (feet and inches)?: 5'5
What is your weight in pounds?: 150
How old are you?: 28
How long has this been going on?: More than a month
Check all symptoms you are currently experiencing:
Musculoskeletal Pain
What have you done so far to remedy this condition? Please include tests and relevant studies here.
: I use a lot of Icy-Hot and a heating pad. I take Gabapentin regularly and occassionally pain pills when it gets really bad. No X-rays yet
Please list any chronic medical problems and also list any prior surgery (lacerations don't count!): Coarctation of the Aorta
Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Prior Impingement Syndrome of the left shoulder- Corrected last year by surgery.
Patent Ductus closure in 1989
Check all conditions present in your immediate family... :
Asthma / Lung Problems
Cardiac Disease
History of Back Pain
Please list any medication allergies that you have : : None that I'm aware of
Please list any medications you are currently taking (and dosage if known) :: Gabapentin 800mg 3x a day
Norco as needed
Celexa 40mg 1x a day
When was your last menstrual cycle?: 1 week ago
Are you currently using or do you have a history of tobacco use?: No
Are you currently using or do you have a history of illegal drug use?: No
Please describe your alcohol consumption :: Rarely
So that we can serve you best, please try to tell us your top three things you wish to be addressed in our response.
Cause of lower back pain
Possibility of Degenerative Disk Disease
Treatments of (possible) Sciatic nerve pain
This does sound very much like sciatica.
X-ray may show some arthritic changes and possibily a narrowing of the spaces between some of the vertebrae, but an MRI would show if there was a disc problem impinging on the sciatic nerve.
Herniated disc is the number one cause of sciatica.
The MRI would pick up most of the other possible causes (arthritis, cyts, tumors etc.)
Seeing an orthopedist or neurosurgeon to see what they would recommend for treatment after they have done an MRI would certainly be indicated.
Surgery to remove at least a portion of a disc that might be pushing against the sciatic nerve is often a needed step, but there are also occasions where physical theraapy &/or cortisone injections might do the trick. The orthopedist or neurosurgeon would be able to make that determination.
Good Luck! Hope it all turns out well!
Space Doc
This does sound very much like sciatica.
X-ray may show some arthritic changes and possibily a narrowing of the spaces between some of the vertebrae, but an MRI would show if there was a disc problem impinging on the sciatic nerve.
Herniated disc is the number one cause of sciatica.
The MRI would pick up most of the other possible causes (arthritis, cyts, tumors etc.)
Seeing an orthopedist or neurosurgeon to see what they would recommend for treatment after they have done an MRI would certainly be indicated.
Surgery to remove at least a portion of a disc that might be pushing against the sciatic nerve is often a needed step, but there are also occasions where physical theraapy &/or cortisone injections might do the trick. The orthopedist or neurosurgeon would be able to make that determination.
Good Luck! Hope it all turns out well!
Space Doc
Thank you for your reply. One question that wasn't answered...is Degenerative Disk Disease hereditary? Thank you again!
It's controersial--some studies seem to find an inherited tendency, but other studies find just the oppositie.
Maybe we ought to vote for the non-hereditary---I think your mom must have taken a lot of grief for the other woes she seems to have bestowed on you.
At any rate it will be good to get it checked out--preferably with an MRI if your family doctor agrees.
Best of luck to you AND your Mom!
Space Doc.
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