For the past 5 months or so ive hard sharp pains in the solar plexus area. Occassionally this pain has traveled to my lower back. This pain always shows up while im asleep keeping me awake from 30 mins to an hour or two which consists of me trying to find a comfortable podition to lie in. Ive recently just gone away to college a month and a half ago and the pains have gone from once a month to once a week or once every two weeks.
5 months agoi was very physically active and did have slight back ains only when doing pushups.
Around 4 years ago i was hospitalized and diagnosed with mono. There was inflammation around my liver, my gallbladder, spleen and kidneys. I couldnt eat and had to work my way up from an all liquid diet. After getting released i was forbidden from doing exercise for at least 3 months and did not fully heal til at least 3 months after that.
The doctors said it would take 1 to 2 years for my body to fully recuperate and that i would carry the virus.
As of now my appetite is fine, the only thing bothering me being an itchy throat ive had for the past 4 months or so.
Ive been monitoring my diet and have seen that sometimes i may have worked out or eaten chocolate before sleeping.
My stomach has not reacted well with me eating chocolate since the mono sometimes causing stomach aches after eating it in the day.
For the past 5 months or so ive hard sharp pains in the solar plexus area. Occassionally this pain has traveled to my lower back. This pain always shows up while im asleep keeping me awake from 30 mins to an hour or two which consists of me trying to find a comfortable podition to lie in. Ive recently just gone away to college a month and a half ago and the pains have gone from once a month to once a week or once every two weeks.
5 months agoi was very physically active and did have slight back ains only when doing pushups.
Around 4 years ago i was hospitalized and diagnosed with mono. There was inflammation around my liver, my gallbladder, spleen and kidneys. I couldnt eat and had to work my way up from an all liquid diet. After getting released i was forbidden from doing exercise for at least 3 months and did not fully heal til at least 3 months after that.
The doctors said it would take 1 to 2 years for my body to fully recuperate and that i would carry the virus.
As of now my appetite is fine, the only thing bothering me being an itchy throat ive had for the past 4 months or so.
Ive been monitoring my diet and have seen that sometimes i may have worked out or eaten chocolate before sleeping.
My stomach has not reacted well with me eating chocolate since the mono sometimes causing stomach aches after eating it in the day.
And if its not too much to ask what could be causing this constant itchy throat?
My throat feels dry or itchy and it gets hard to try to cough. I try to always keep water near me to stop it. I end up coughing a couple of times. Hard enough that i end up tearing every time.
Gender: Female
How tall are you (feet and inches)?: 5'4
What is your weight in pounds?: 130
How old are you?: 20
How long has this been going on?: More than a month
Check all symptoms you are currently experiencing: Abdominal PainAbdominal Pain
Describe associated symptoms not listed above: Lower back pain
What have you done so far to remedy this condition? Watched my diet
I had thought that it was only when i ate chocolate before going to bed last two or three times but thats not the case this time. Ive also seen it may occur after working out.These are just guesses on my part.
Check all conditions present in your immediate family... :
Asthma / Lung Problems
Please list any medication allergies that you have : : None
Please list any medications you are currently taking (and dosage if known) :: None
When was your last menstrual cycle?: 3 weeks ago
Are you currently using or do you have a history of tobacco use?: No
Are you currently using or do you have a history of illegal drug use?: No
Please describe your alcohol consumption :: Never
Causes for pain
Any suggestion for treatment?
Wow, these questions are very hard to answer without testing. My first thoughts are that you need a good pelvic exam by a qualified physician and that the most likely cause of your abdominal pain is going to be Gynecological. My money would be on ovarian cysts. These occur and reoccur.
Here is a helpful link for you.
This has, almost certainly, nothing to do with your recent bout with mononucleosis.
Getting to the bottom of female abdominal and lower back pain is complicated. I am simply giving you my best guesses. You definitely need a pelvic exam, and, based on that and other data, you might need an ultrasound or even a CT scan. An ultrasound would be optimal for finding ovarian cysts, a CT for most other problems in the abdomen. This does NOT sound like something bad lurking... It just doesn't sound that way.
You can certainly take Ibuprofen for this as long as you are not allergic. Tylenol would be my second choice until you get this properly diagnosed.
You may need to lay off chocolate for a bit if that seems to be a trigger. I would also suggest to you that your itchy throat may be due to allergies. It is the right season for them. Taking Loratadine over the counter might be a reasonable thing for you to try, but again, no substitute for having a doctor take a peek.
I hope this helps.
1 comment:
thank you
I had a sonogram done and it turns out i have gallstones
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