Hello, my question is related to what appears to be a ruptured blood vessel in my right eye. Over the white part. I have what appears to be blood on the right side of my eye lateral to the right side of the iris. Forgive me for my bad description. But it started about two days ago. It's only midly irritating. More so today than before. On a scale of 1-10. It's literally only a 1. My only major concern is if this is could be something more serious. And should I go get it seen. I have no insurance. So I'd hate to waste the money for nothing serious. Anyways I appreciate any advice I could get. Thank you for you time and what you guys do.
Gender: Male
How tall are you (feet and inches)?: 5'10
What is your weight in pounds?: 195
How old are you?: 25
How long has this been going on?: A few days
Check all symptoms you are currently experiencing:
Bruising or Bleeding
Please list any chronic medical problems and also list any prior surgery (lacerations don't count!): Hypothyroidism, Htn
Check all conditions present in your immediate family... : Hypertension
Please list any medication allergies that you have : : Lortab
Please list any medications you are currently taking (and dosage if known) :: Levothyroxine 0.25, venlafaxinine75 mg once a day, propanolol 20 mg, ambien 10 mg
When was your last menstrual cycle?: I'm a man, baby!
Are you currently using or do you have a history of tobacco use?: Yes
Are you currently using or do you have a history of illegal drug use?: No
Please describe your alcohol consumption :: Weekly
If I need emergency care. IHow long can this last. And any tx otc information I can use.
May we send you a satisfaction survey after your question is answered?
Hello, this is what is called a subconjunctival hemorrhage. It does not require anything but time to get better. These are common and benign. For a good exposition of this diagnosis follow THIS LINK HERE. Please feel free to ask any follow up questions you might have in the comment section.
Dear Blood in the eye:
So sorry tp be so late with this reply.
Sounds like a subconjuntival hemmorhage.
Without having had any trauma such as a hit to the eye, this is usually a benign condition which will resolve slowly by itself. This can hapen with sneezing or heavy lifing--it can also be more likely to happen if the blood pressure is not well controlled. Since there is no significant pain and no itching { allergies & rubbing the eyes) you should be able to let this alone and not need any emergency room visits etc.
If this should recur (they usually don't) you might need to get some blood tests to be sure there are no problems with your bleeding and clotting times.
The medications that you are taking are not associated with bleeding problems. It would be good to be sure the propanolol is keeping the blood pressure well controlled.
It would be great if you could get off the cigarettes,and try to keep the alcohol in moderation.
Again, sorry about the delay in our response-- hope by the time you get this your problem will have started to resolve by itself.
Good luck!
Space Doc.
I just realized for whatever reason my comment didn't post. I just wanted to say thank you once again. Yea the beta blocker usually has it pretty well controlled. Just some HTN episodes lately. But yea i'm currently cutting the smokes back. With considerable luck suprisingly. And my alcohol consumption is usually mild. I guess I'm having the pre summer good time days with friends. But Once again I appreciate all of your advice. Thanks!!!!
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